Ubuntu Virtual Machine
You can download the virtual machine (VM) that accompanies this book here. Thanks to osboxes.org for providing the base image upon which the VM is based. The username is "osboxes.org" and the password is "osboxes.org". We recommend that you use VirtualBox 5.2.18 or some later version to run the VM, as earlier versions of VirtualBox may not load the VM correctly. You can download VirtualBox at virtualbox.org.
Below we step through the installation of the VM on your PC. If you have any issues at all getting the VM working, please email Josh at joshua.saxe@sophos.com.
Also, importantly, readers have identified a few problems with the VM. Here's a "known issues" page describing the problems and how to resolve them..
Instructions on installing the VM follow. When you start VirtualBox, you should see the screen shown below.
Click "File" and then select "Import Appliance."
Select BookVM.ova, which you should have downloaded already, if not, download it here.
Now click through the "Import Virtual Appliance" dialog.
Once the Virtual Machine has been imported, you can double click it in VirtualBox to start it.
When the VM has started, enter the credentials (the username is "osboxes.org" and the password is "osboxes.org"), start the Terminal app, and then cd into the malware_data_science directory. There you'll see the code and data given for each chapter of Malware Data Science.